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What types of drip irrigation hose are classified?

2,082 Published by admin 4 月 04,2014

What is the drip irrigation hose?

Drip irrigation hose refers to the use of plastic pipe (drip irrigation pipe) to transfer water to the root of crops through the orifice or drip head on the capillary pipe of about 10mm in diameter. Local irrigation is conducted through the drip head or drip irrigation belt with very small orifice of the outflow orifice. Water drops evenly and slowly drip into the soil near the root of crops.

Type of drip irrigation tape

Drip irrigation is a method of precision irrigation with low pressure pipeline system, the water directly into the field, after installed on the capillary drip head orifice or drip irrigation machine, such as the water drop by drop evenly and slowly drip into the crop root zone in soil nearby, make the crop root system of the most developed area soil often maintain appropriate humidity, soil microbial activity of water fat gas heat, always in good condition, and to create favorable conditions for high and stable yield crop Drip irrigation hose can be divided into the patch type drip irrigation hose embedded cylindrical type drip irrigation pipe Labyrinth drip irrigation hose Drip irrigation belt blue orbit.

Single blade labyrinth type drip irrigation hose

drip irrigation hose              drip tape mold

Thin-walled drip irrigation tape is a drip outlet of various shapes of decompression channels, such as the labyrinth drip irrigation belt and the blue track drip irrigation belt, which are heated on one side or the middle of the tube while making thin-walled tubes.

Feature of single blade labyrinth type drip irrigation hose

1.Labyrinth flow channel and drop hole have good adhesion and high precision;

2.It has strong anti – clogging ability;

3.Maze runner design, even water discharge, up to 85%, laying up to 80m.

4.Light weight, convenient installation management, low cost of manual installation.

Flat dripper drip irrigation hose

flat drip irrigation tape                 irrigation dripper

The embedded drip irrigation tape is a kind of drip irrigation tape, such as the patch drip irrigation tape and the inserted column drip irrigation pipe.

Feature of flat dripper drip irrigation hose

1.Built-in drip head with filter window, good anti – plugging performance.

2.Uniform irrigation is designed for turbulent flow.

3.Flexible adjustment of head spacing and wide application range.

4.Low price.




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