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Published by admin8月 15,2019

Three advantages drip irrigation and two misunderstandings

The three advantages drip irrigation and water-soluble fertilizer, two misunderstandings of drip ...

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Published by admin12月 29,2018

What is the difference between drip irrigation tubing and...

What is the difference between drip irrigation tubing and drip tape? The use of drip tape and dri...

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Published by admin10月 20,2018

How to use the diy drip irrigation system design efficien...

Drip irrigation uses plastic tubing to deliver water to the root of the crop through a hole or dr...

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Published by admin10月 12,2018

What is the drip irrigation machine?

The drip irrigation equipment What is the drip irrigation equipment? Drip irrigation equipment i...

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Published by admin4月 04,2014

What types of drip irrigation hose are classified?

What is the drip irrigation hose? Drip irrigation hose refers to the use of plastic pipe (drip ir...

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Published by admin4月 16,2018

How to install drip irrigation systems?

Composition and installation of drip irrigation systems 1.Piping arrangement and installation:  A...

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Published by admin8月 20,2018

What is the notice that drip irrigation tape used?

Precautions for using drip irrigation system tape 1.Drip irrigation pipes and drip heads are easi...

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Published by admin7月 09,2014

Why does fruit tree use drip irrigation better?

Large drip irrigation fruit trees are watered in the most unrealistic way, this form is not analy...

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Published by admin9月 19,2018

What are the drip irrigation forms?

The drip irrigation forms Drip irrigation forms is a method of precision irrigation with low pres...

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Published by admin9月 11,2013

What is micro sprinkler irrigation technology?

Micro sprinkler irrigation Micro sprinkler irrigation is an irrigation method that supplies irri...

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Published by admin1月 02,2018

Yutian county leadership paid great importance to this ma...

A Big Success of Visit to Raingod Group by Mr H.E. Simon Pierre ADOVELANDE, Ambassador of Benin a...

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Published by admin1月 02,2018

Raingod Group Employee Travel Activity in 2016

Our company organized all the staff to visit Qingzhou, Shandong during 2016.7.14-15 with the smel...

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